Example: f3O
Example: #a { o > O v _ }
#a: select all from top to bottom
#r: select all from bottom to top #s: jump to the grid 0,0 #e: jump to the end of the grid #c: jump to the cursor |
Conditions are optional.
Example: #a{ j }
Add everywhere a quarter circle. Example: #a(/){ j }
Add everywhere, where is a / also a quarter circle. Define condititions Conditions start with the actual cursor. But you can of course move around with the cursor. The cursor moves around with: < ^ v > Example: #a(o>UvL) { >fL }
If there is an o and then on the left an U and down a L than go right and add a filled L. Default mode: AND Example: #a(oa){ T }
If there is an o and a than add T If you wanna use OR instead. Use | Example: #a(|oa){}
Special conditions *: any char ,: no char Invert the actual value: ! inverts the actual value Example: #a(o!){ O }
Go through all cells, if there is an o convert to opposite and then add a circle (O) Random R01: Random 50% R00001: Random 1/5 R11000: Random 2/5 Example: #a(R01){ o/K}
Create a random (50%) a cross with a circle Example: #a(oR01){ > / }
If there is an o and a 50% chance, go right and create a / Test variables [r>4]: r bigger than 4
[r=0]: r equal to 0
[r<4]: r smaller than 0
[x<4]: cursor x under 4
You can check all settings and also the actual position of the cursor (x,y). Example: #a([x<5][y<5]){ L }
Is the cursor in x smaller than 5 and smaller than 5 in y, add a square
Local variable _name [_u>4]: local variable u in this cell is bigger than 4
Default: Adding forms with fill and colors.
Example: #c{f3o}
Adds a filled fsmall circle o with the color 3. Example: #a{ />_ }
Adds everywhere a / , goes right and adds a _
Also here you can move the cursor around with < ^ v >. It is also possible with % to go to the start of the line.
Example: #r(u){^n}
Go backward, search for u and go up, add a n. Remove forms -: Remove form #a(o){-o H}
Serch for o and then remove it (-o) and than add H Copy paste w: copy W: Paste #a{w < W}
Copy all forms to the left Random fill, color, form B: Random fill M: Random color S: Random form #a{ M/ }
Creates random filled triangles. #a{ MBS }
Creates random colored forms. Painter actual fill, color, form y: Actual painter fill m: Actual painter color J: Actual painter form Variables [r=0]
Creates a variable and set it 0 [r?]
Increments r: r=r+1 [r-]
Decrement r: r=r-1 You can control almost all Settings. The names are in () in the settings. [title='new title']
Set the title to 'new title'. For debbuging look into the browser-console! Local variables _name [_u=42]
local variable is now 42
AWAKE | +aw'NAME' | On awake of the program |
FILTER | +fi'NAME' | A simple filter or tool usable in the painter or shell. |
ONCLICK | +cl'NAME' | Define what happens as an add-on, when you click in the canvas.
Add another O, if you painted a o Special chars here: - J: actual form in painting tool - m: actual color in painting tool - y: actual state of fill in painting tool Add same object twice usage: +cl'AddSame'#c{ >ymJ }
Delete object and add other usage:
. |
STARTUP (PRG) | +st'NAME' | Commands when you startup a prg. As soon there is a startup, there is also a button shown. Define the name of the button in the setting. You can also define autostart in the settings.
UPDATE (PRG) | +up'NAME' | Updating all the time while prg is running. You can define the interval in the [Settings].
Adding always a bigger circle (O) if there is a smaller circle |
#a{L} // add everywhere a gray rect (L)
#a(R01){L} // add 50% a gray rect
#a(L){>fD} // add a halfcircle (filled) if there is an L
#a{BMS} // add random filled colored form.
#a{ymJ} // add everywhere the actual painter filled colored form!
#s{>>>vvvv/K} // add an X at position 3/4
#a{$} // delete in all cells everything
#a{-o} // delete all circles
#a(o){-o} // delete where there is an o the o
#a(R01o){-o} // delete to 50% all os
#a(R01o){-oO} // delete to 50% all os and add bigger Os
and and and ...
+cl'removeit'#c(J){-J} // delete the painted form. so nothing will be added
+cl'random'#c(J){-J S} // add random form
+cl'addcircle'#c(J){-J S} // add big circle
and and and ...